Monday, October 31, 2022
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
St. Michael Parish Center Parking Lot
Bradford, IN
This is a fun, safe environment for children to trick or treat among parishioners and the community. Fun for the whole family!
We invite adults in our Parish to park, decorate their cars in our parish center parking lot, and hand out goodies. Prizes will be given for the best costume and best decorated car. Parishioners who would like to help hand out candy should arrive before 5:30 p.m. The Youth Activities Team will have hot dogs and hot chocolate available. Parishioners who cannot be present but would like to donate candy can leave it in the church's narthex. Thanks!
**We request that you come dressed in non-violent attire**
Sponsored by St. Michael’s Service Ministry and St. Michael’s and St. Bernard Youth Ministry
In the event of inclement weather we will move into the Parish Center.